Archived Meeting Minutes

A- Our Last Two(2) Annual General Meeting (AGM) are presented below (Click on each Format to Download)


AGM- Minutes……………November 28, 2018…………….(PDF format)

AGM– Minutes ………….November 9, 2017…………….. (Word format).….or…..(PDF Format)

Attachments………2017 Financial Statement…….(Word format)…….(PDF format)Audit letter click to view

AGM– Minutes …………. Dec 1, 2016…………….. (Word format)…..or…..(PDF Format)

& AGM Agenda …………. Dec 1, 2016……………..(Word Format)…..or….(PDF Format)

AGM- Minutes Nov 10, 2015 …..(Word Format)…..or….(PDF Format)

Attachment 1: Executive_and_Committee_Chairs_for_2016………………………..(jpeg format)

Attachment 2: Social Committee Report for 2015……(Word format)……..or……(PDF format)

& AGM Agenda Nov. 10, 2015….(Word Format)….or….(PDF Format)

B- Past Year’s General Meetings (GMs) (Click on each Format to Download

. GM Minutes, ………………….Sept 12, 2018…………………. PDF Format

. GM Minutes, ………………… June 6, 2018…………………….(Word format).. .…….or…….. (PDF Format)

. GM Minutes, ………………… Feb 7, 2018…………………….(Word format).. .…….or……..(PDF format)

. GM Minutes, ………………… Feb 7, 2018…………………….(Word format).. .…….or……..(PDF format)

Treasurers report attached to minutes …..(Word format)…………..or……..(PDF format)

. GM Minutes September 28, 2017 (Word format).. .…….or……...(PDF format)

. GM Minutes June 8, 2017 (Word format).. .…….or……...(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda ………………………………………………… (Word format) …….or…….. (PDF format)

. GM Minutes, …………………April 6 , 2017…………………….(Word format).. .…….or……...(PDF format)

Treasurers report attached to minutes

. GM Minutes, …………………Feb. 9, 2017……………………….(Word format ).…….or……...(PDF format)

Treasurers report attached to minutes

& GM Meeting Agenda ………………………………………………… (Word format) …….or…….. (PDF format)

Attachment 1 (Word format)……. or………(PDF format)

Attachment 2 (Word format)……. or………(PDF format) .

. GM Minutes, …………………Sept. 22, 2016……………………….(Word format)……..or………(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda ………………………………………………… (Word format) …….or…….. (PDF format)

. GM Minutes, …………………May 12, 2016…………………………(Word format)……..or………(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda …………………………………………………(Word format)……. or……….(PDF format)

Attachment 1: GAMING_PROCEEDS_2016………………….(Word format)……..or………(PDF format)

Attachment 2: Australia New Zealand Out bound report……(Word format)……..or……(PDF format)

Attachment 3: Financial Report…………………………………………………………………………..(PDF format)

. GM Minutes, ………………..March 31, 2016………………………..(Word format – n/a)……..or………(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda ………………………………………………….(Word format)……. or……….(PDF format)

. GM Minutes, …………………..January 28, 2016……………………(Word format)……..or………(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda …………………………………………………..(Word format)……. or……….(PDF format)

. GM Minutes ………………………October 6, 2015 …………………..(Word format) ……..or………(PDF format)

& GM Meeting Agenda………………………………………………… (Word format)………or………(PDF format)

C- Past Year’s Board Meetings – Click on each Format to Download)

Board Meeting Minutes Oct. 10, 2018…….Word format…..or….PDF format

Board Meeting Minutes Sept. 5, 2018……..PDF Format

Board Meeting Minutes May 17, 2018……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes April 4, 2018……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes January 3, 2018……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes November.7, 2017……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes Sept.7, 2017…………………………….. ..(Word format) …….or…….. (PDF format)

Attachment 1 Draft Bylaws (Word format).…… or……...(PDF format)

Attachment 2 Society Objectives (Word format)……. or………(PDF format) .

Exec. Meeting Minutes Sept.7, 2017……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes May 12, 2017……(Word Format)…..or…(PDF Format)

Exec. Meeting Minutes April 3, 2017….. (Word Format).. or..(PDF Format)

. Exec. Meeting Minutes Jan.27, 2017….. (Word Format).. or..(PDF Format)


images/Past_Year_Mteeting_Minutes/Exec. _Mtg._No.1_Minutes_Jan_23_2016.doc